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Do you send refills for your products?
Do you send refills for your products?
Updated over a week ago

We use design principles outlined by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which focuses on eliminating waste and pollution, circulating materials at their highest value, and designing products regenerative in nature. While we know refillable systems can often be more sustainable and reduce carbon emissions, it’s complicated. Initial testing we conducted of refillable pouches showed that the integrity of the nutrients in our formulas was not stable being stored and transported in pouches. The last thing we would want to do is ship our products in packaging that could compromise the formula and benefits, even if it is more sustainable.

With that being said, we are exploring ways to approach refillable packaging in a way that would deliver sustainability benefits while still protecting your product. Thanks for your patience as we tackle this intricate process. (And in the meantime, we’re proud of our 100% PCR bottles and other packaging solutions).

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