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What are Ritual’s current certifications?
What are Ritual’s current certifications?
Updated over a week ago
  • USP Verification is a third-party quality program that sets a high bar for product transparency. If you see the USP Verified Mark, you know the supplement contains the ingredients listed on the label in the declared potency and amounts, does not contain harmful levels of specified contaminants, will break down and release into the body within a specified amount of time, and has been made with Good Manufacturing Practices. Less than 1% of supplement brands have the USP Verified Mark. Ritual’s Essential for Women 18+ is USP Verified.

  • Non-GMO Project Verified means that a product is compliant with the Non-GMO Project Standard, which includes stringent provisions for testing, traceability, and segregation. Ritual’s Essential Multivitamins and Synbiotic+ are Non-GMO Project Verified.

  • The list of Certified B Corporations in the vitamin industry is short, but it’s widely considered the gold standard for responsible business. Being a Certified B Corp means that a brand has substantiated the following: employee benefits, how well they assess and monitor their supply chains for environmental or human rights issues, and the credibility of their give-back programs. This ensures that business decisions are never solely made on the basis of delivering for shareholders but embrace a triple bottom line, which is a fancy way of saying they equally weigh people, profit, and the planet. Ritual is a (proud) Certified B Corporation.

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