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Essential for Teens
How do I choose a multivitamin for my transgender or non-binary teen?
How do I choose a multivitamin for my transgender or non-binary teen?
Updated over a week ago

While specific nutrient recommendations can vary depending on sex assigned at birth, life stage, and other factors, many of us actually have nutrient gaps in common. So no matter their assigned sex at birth, both Essential for Teens multivitamins are formulated to help fill nutrient gaps in teens’ diets.

That said, there are also some key differences between our formulas, with the purpose of addressing common nutrient gaps that are specific to different sexes. For example, you’ll find Iron in Essential for Teens Multivitamin for Her, but you won’t find it in Essential for Teens Multivitamin for Him. That’s because teen girls have higher Iron requirements and larger intake gaps than teen boys.

Still, there may be some intricacies when it comes to choosing a multivitamin that best suits your teens’ nutrient needs. If they’re unsure which formula is a good match, we recommend having a conversation with their physician.*

You can also learn more here 💛

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